LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez responds to Mayor Garcetti's 2021 State of the City

April 19, 2021

LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez on Mayor Eric Garcetti's 2021 State of the City


Following Mayor Eric Garcetti's 2021 State of the City, LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez issued the following statement: 

"As Los Angeles County works to get our county of 10 million back on track, tonight in his State of the City, Mayor Garcetti laid out a bold, focused agenda to move LA City forward. From major investments in rental assistance, tackling our homeless crisis and pushing a national right to housing” plan, urgently advancing our climate goals, to a pilot program for universal basic income, Mayor Garcetti reminds us that even in the midst of a pandemic, our work for the people of LA continues. I applaud the Mayor for laying out his vision to ensure that the state of Los Angeles City remains strong. Los Angeles Democrats will continue to stand with our elected leaders in the fight for our families and communities."



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