LACDP Chair Mark J Gonzalez statement on Governor Newsom's California Budget Blueprint

January 10, 2022

LACDP Chair Mark J Gonzalez statement
on Governor Newsom's California Budget Blueprint


Following the Governor's latest announcement of his 2022 California Budget Blueprint, LACDP Chair Mark J. Gonzalez issued the following statement: 

"There’s no doubt that when California leads, our nation succeeds. With a $45.7 billion surplus, the Governor’s latest budget proposal for our state -  focused on key initiatives like achieving universal access to healthcare, tackling housing and homelessness, universal pre-k and expanded financial aid for college students, and more - shows that our leaders will continue to focus on our 39 million Californians and their families.

I  look forward to working alongside Democratic leaders here in Los Angeles to ensure that we continue to remain on a strong fiscal foundation, reflect our state's values, and achieve the Governor’s goals for our state through this California Blueprint."


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