LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez issues statement on LA Democrats resolution standing in solidarity with the family of Andres Guardado and calling on the resignation of Sheriff Villanueva.

June 8, 2021

LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez statement on LA Democrats resolution standing in solidarity with the family of Andres Guardado and calling on the resignation of Sheriff Villanueva. 


Following the vote tonight at the Los Angeles Central Committee , LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez issued the following statement: 

“Accountability has long been one of the foundations of Democracy. As voters, we have an obligation to hold our leaders accountable for their actions, and as the Democratic Party, a responsibility to ensure that our elected officials are upholding our ideals and principles. Tonight, marking the one year anniversary of the murder of Andres Guardado, Los Angeles Democrats stand in solidarity with the Guardado family, recognizing the systematic brutality of law enforcement that has continued to shake our county. Leadership and accountability starts at the top, and while strides have been made to reform police culture in Los Angeles, it’s simply not enough. Sheriff Villanueva has had multiple opportunities since his election to reign in long standing problems within his department, which is why tonight, Los Angeles Democrats are holding him accountable and calling for his resignation. A failure to lead in Los Angeles, is a failure to serve Los Angeles. We will continue to hold those accountable who fail to live up to their obligations."


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