LACDP Chair's Statement Following the Results of the 2024 General Election

Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP) Chair Mark Ramos acknowledged today the results of the 2024 Presidential General Election.

The LACDP affirms this free, fair, and secure election results. We remain steadfastly committed to the values that uphold our party and community and will continue to work to improve the lives of all Angelenos. 


“This is a somber moment for many of us, but the fight is far from over. We will continue to work for the causes that we believe in - justice, equality, and the protection of our democratic institutions - regardless of the challenges we may face. It is important today to remain hopeful and united; our future is not set in stone. Stay engaged, stay vigilant, and remain ready to work for the progress we know is possible.”

- Chair Mark Ramos


LACDP will continue in our steadfast commitment to advocacy and action in Los Angeles County as we work to create a brighter and more inclusive future. 

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