LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez statement blasting Congressman Kevin McCarthy for joining Texas lawsuit to overturn Election results

December 11, 2020

LACDP Chair Mark J Gonzalez releases statement blasting Congressman Kevin McCarthy for joining Texas lawsuit to overturn Election results 

Reacting to the addition of Congressman Kevin McCarthy's name to Republican's latest attempt to overturn Election Day results,  Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair Mark J Gonzalez released the following statement:

"39 Days ago over 80 millions Americans voted to ensure that progress in our county and the future our democracy was not lost to the tyrannical and autocratic policies and nature of Donald Trump. 39 Days ago voters, and voters in Los Angeles, overwhelmingly voted to send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to Washington to lead our county out of the darkness of the last four years.

The state of our democracy has been under attack by this President since Inauguration Day in 2017, with leaders on both sides of the aisle working overtime to protect Americans from this dangerous Administration. Which makes it all the more surprising and disappointing that a leader sworn to protect and defend the constitution like California Congressman Kevin McCarthy would sign onto an amicus brief that would attempt to overturn the voices of the American people. Joining half of his caucus, Congressman McCarthy is showing voters in Los Angeles, Kern, and Tulane that their votes and voices actually don’t matter in the end no matter who they voted for and that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to destroy the fabric of our nation. It’s unconscionable, borderline treasonous, and voters shouldn’t and won't forget it." 


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