LACDP Chair Mark J Gonzalez on the state of the Election

November 4, 2020

LACDP Chair Mark J Gonzalez releases statement on the state of the Election  

Addressing the state of the election,  Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair Mark J Gonzalez released the following statement

"Yesterday, and over the past few weeks, over 150 Million Americans exercised their right to vote. A record turnout in an election that seemed not only never ending, but unlikely. Since January 20, 2017, millions of Americans knew exactly what we witnessed for the past four years, that our democracy and our country was threatened by a tyrannical, national security threat. Last night, Americans proved that, as our nation has always done, we will work vanquish threats. Last night, millions of Americans chose hope over fear, progress over bigotry, democracy over authoritarianism. 

While we are still waiting on the final results, I’m optimistic that we are going to send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House, and proud of the work Los Angeles Democrats did, making millions of outbound calls to battleground states, fundraising for candidates, and more. This election cycle, we hit 3 million registered Democrats and we could not be more hopeful for our future as a nation and the future of our county and state. I want to congratulate all of the Democrats who prevailed in their races, the Democrats who will prevail in their races when the final votes come in, and so many first time candidates who stepped up to lead." 


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