LACDP Chair Mark J Gonzalez statement on former Speaker and Council President Herb Wesson representing LA City Council District 10

February 16, 2022

LACDP Chair Mark J Gonzalez statement
on former Speaker and Council President Herb Wesson representing
LA City Council District 10


Following the announcement from Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez's announcement and proposal to have Former Assembly Speaker and Council President Herb Wesson to be caretaker for City Council District 10,  LACDP Chair Mark J. Gonzalez issued the following statement:

"Herb has and will continue to be a champion for the district he represents and the city that he loves. With so many issues facing Los Angeles right now, thanks to President Martinez, the residents of CD10 will have the representation and a voice in City Hall they deserve until Councilmember Ridley-Thomas is cleared of his charges. 

There is no one more passionate and focused about the work than Former Assembly Speaker and LA Council President Herb Wesson and I am looking forward to working with him on behalf of his district and the City of Los Angeles."


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