About this Committee:
Works with legislators and legislative offices to conduct research, analyses, and deliberations on legislation to create a list of recommended priority legislation for LACDP consideration; advocate on behalf of LACDP priority legislation
Deana Igelsrud
Florencio Briones
Caro Avanessian
John Popoch
Debi Evans
Larry Gross
Jawane Hilton
Anh Nguyen
Andrew Deblock
Dorothy Reik
Phlunte Riddle
Sara Roos
Jerilyn Stapleton
Samuel Sukaton
Michele Sutter
Mary Zavala
Kristina Flores
Erick Matos
Karen Linares Luna
Edith Gonzalez
Isabelle Franz
Isabel Storey
Mark Ramos, ex-officio
Committee Report
November Committee Report
Priority Legislation - Current Legislative Term
Download Priority Legislation