The path to Democratic victory in California is simple – If we vote, we win. If Democrats are to build on the success of recent elections, we need you to be registered to vote and also register your family and friends.

You probably have already heard that online voter registration is now available in California.

But I’ll bet you didn’t know that you can also register online to become a Permanent Vote-By-Mail Voter at the same time. Or if you’re already registered, you can re-register online to become a Vote-By-Mail Voter.

Even a small increase in the percentage of Democrats voting by mail can make a huge difference in statewide contests and local races throughout the county.

And don’t forget you get to vote from the comfort of your own home!

To register to vote, and re-register to vote by mail, Click here.

But WAIT! Please follow this important step while registering to avoid the lines at the polls and become a Permanent Vote-By-Mail Voter:

To register online to vote by mail:

1) Make sure you check yes for the question “Would you like to receive a vote-by-mail ballot in all elections?”

Complete the form and your local Registrar will mail you your ballot for future elections. Now that you’ve saved so much time voting by mail, take a moment to Like Us on Facebook and Follow Us on Twitter!


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