Submit a Resolution

Submitting a Resolution?


What you need to know to submit a resolution:

  1. Resolutions must be submitted by a member of the County Committee or by an organization chartered by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party.
  2. Resolutions must be submitted five days before the Resolutions Committee meeting held on the first Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise noted).
  3. Proponents and authors of the resolution are welcome to attend the meeting and will have an opportunity to speak on behalf of their resolution.
  4. Additional background information or source materials must be submitted to support statements of facts made in the resolution.
  5. No more than 400 words, including the title. 

Things a Resolution Cannot do:

  • Endorse a candidate
  • Propose legislation
  • Support a ballot measure
  • Call for changes in our bylaws or rules
  • Speak for other organizations or groups
  • Be overly complex



Resolutions that have not been considered by the Resolutions Committee due to time restraints, require 25 signatures from 5 separate assembly districts. To receive a form, please email Andres at [email protected]

Your email must include:

  • Name
  • Assembly District
  • Email Address
  • Title of Resolution 
  • Text of Resolution