This committee meetings has already taken place.
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Register in advance for this meeting:
1) Introductions:
-Co-Chairs, Letters, Members
-Co-Chairs, Letters, Members
2) Tracking Spreadsheet vs Consideration List
3) Meeting Procedures
-How our committee works & our process-
4) Live Bills Needing Attention
Run (4) Federal Bills & (1) Municipal Bill on the attached
Consideration List through our process.
Consideration List through our process.
-HR 4 / S 561 (Submitter: Deana I.)
-HR 925 / HR 6800 (Submitter: Jerilyn S.)
-HR 8363 (Submitter: Paul K.)
-H RES 1045 (Submitter: Paul K.)
-CF 20-0792 (Submitter: Jerilyn S.)
5) Old Legislation To Clear Out:
State legislation that was submitted that needs to be
cleared out. State Legislature is done for the year, so
if we took these up at our Nov meeting, it would be to
support in principle only.
support in principle only.
-AB 310 (Submitter: Mark G.)
-AB 1436 (Submitter: Larry G.)
-SB 625 (Submitter: Dorothy R.)
-SB 796 (Submitter: Debi E.)
6) New Business: