Chair's 2020 Passover Message

LACDP Chair Mark J Gonzalez extends warm wishes this Passover

LOS ANGELES, CA --  Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair Mark J. Gonzalez released the following statement: 

“Tonight, our Jewish families, friends, neighbors, and strangers begin sharing with each other the story of Exodus. Like this and many rituals marking the beginning of Pesach, or Passover, here in LA County, America, the State of Israel and around the world this is a time of redemption, blessings, and an opporutnity to renew a belief that our future remains hopeful in these uncertain times - even when so many won’t be able to celebrate together this year. Los Angeles Democrats remain truly dedicated to the principles of peace, freedom and unity, and send our best and warmest wishes this season. Chag Sameach."

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