Rules and Legal


About this Committee:
Serve as the authority on the by-laws and rules governing LACDP; presents recommendations on by-laws amendments for LACDP consideration.


Laurence Zakson
Kenneth Armstrong



Chair Emeritus Garry Shay

Chair Emerita Jimmie Woods-Gray 

Shanna Ingalsbee

Aaron Ordower

Jacob Haik

Brandon Zavala

Karen Wingard

Kim Bowman

Paul Seo

Steven Alari

Irene Huerta

Suzann Reina

Lester Aponte

Mark Ramos, ex-officio



Committee Reports 

Proposed Bylaws Amendments: Article IX.D.1 - Procedures

Proposed Bylaws Amendments: Article II- Membership

Proposed Bylaws Amendments: Article IX - Meetings

To Review our Bylaws Click Here

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