LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez issues statement on a potential recall of Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón

May 20, 2021

LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez issues statement on a potential recall of
Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascó


Following the announcement that proponents have qualified to start a petition of a potential recall of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez issued the following statement: 

“Today, the LA Registrar Recorder approved the petition for public circulation for a potential recall of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón. Democrats and voters across Los Angeles overwhelming supported DA Gascón in November, and voted to support policies that will hold criminals accountable, allow for restorative justice, and would move our failing criminal justice system forward into the 21st century. Now the same failed proponents, with the help of misinformation, attempting to oust the Governor are going after the newly elected DA. Make no mistake, Los Angeles Democrats will fight any attempted recall of this District Attorney, voted in with over 50% of the vote. If this is the playbook when a small minority of people and republicans want to use when they don’t get their way, wasting taxpayer money and time, then we’ll crack open ours to continue to fight these recalls to nowhere."



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